Well, it is well into January and many of us have given up on our New Year’s Resolutions. I don’t personally believe in resolutions. I believe in setting goals.
One of the best goals you can set for yourself is to live in gratitude every day. I’m sure you have heard about gratitude journals or writing down three things each day that you are thankful for. I would like you to consider taking it a step further than that.
Why not try to be grateful every hour or whenever you eat. Many of our ancestors made a habit of being grateful for each meal. Eventually, I think it turned into more of a habit for some but those few that really took it to heart, “Thank you, for this food,” ended up with a more positive attitude.
That’s the focus I am aiming for and the focus I hope you will aim for too. Each week I will be posting tips and tricks or something fun to help you refresh your mind and therefore your behavior.
Ralph Waldo Emerson stated, “You are what you think about all day long.” He wasn’t alone in his beliefs. You can find this same sentiment from authors like James Allen, the writers of the Bible, and Jack Canfield. They know what they are talking about.
If you spend all day focusing on what you don’t have or criticizing yourself and others for faults, you just find more. You see more faults, you become convinced that you don’t have what you need and you actually bring about more of the negative results you don’t want.
Focus on the positive and become amazed at how your life turns around. Let’s go on this journey together. Next year at this time we won’t be worried about resolutions we will be overwhelmed with our blessings.