I love pets, don’t you? I would say that I love all pets but there are a few brave souls who have pet snakes or pet spiders and I don’t love them. Sorry, but they give me the creeps.
I do however love dogs and cats and most furry domesticated friends. So much so that we have three dogs and have had some cats over the years. We have even had a goldfish for a very short time – our lovely cat thought it was a toy much to my son’s chagrin.
The dog pictured above is our Yorki-poo but I should probably call her mine as she is most attached to me and follows me around the house. My husband seems to have a special bond with our schnoodle and our lab’s heart belongs to my son.
In this crazy, fast-paced world we live in a pet can be a calming and loving addition to any home.
Research shows us that having a pet can also have a positive effect on your health.
For instance, walking a dog is a great excuse to get outside for some much-needed exercise. Petting a dog or cat or another animal can also lower your blood pressure.
Even if your dog is not a therapy dog he or she can help you relax. Have you ever noticed when you were sick and your pet wanted to stay near – or maybe on- you? They can sense your pain and give you unconditional love.
There is an old joke that goes, “Lock your wife and your dog in the trunk of your car and in five minutes open it to see which one is happy to see you.”
So today, I count our dogs as one of my biggest blessings. I am thankful even when they bark, steal most of the bed, and come in the house with muddy feet.
Please consider adopting from a shelter near you. For my North Iowa friends click here to check out the North Iowa Humane Society and click here to check out PAWS Humane Society in my hometown.